We bring an energy balance


Solar cells


Charging stations


Energy savers


Electric cars

Elektra Balance

Balance is an ecosystem offered by Elektra, which enables connectivity and balanced operation of all elements in the system. Elektra provides a balanced system of electricity supply and consumption. It is not just about electric cars or electric chargers, but about a competent ecosystem that provides self-sufficiency and carbon-free energy. We are aware that only together will we be able to achieve the ecological and energy goals we have set for ourselves:

Reduction of greenhouse gases in traffic by 2055 by 70%. 100% electric mobility by 2055. Reduction of greenhouse gases in traffic by 2055 by 70%.

Reduction of greenhouse gases in traffic by 2055 by 70%. 100% electric mobility by 2055. Reduction of greenhouse gases in traffic by 2055 by 70%.

Although these years are from us distant, time flows on and the right time to take steps is here.

Reduction of greenhouse gases in traffic by 2055 by 70%.x 100% electric mobility by 2055.x Reduction of greenhouse gases in traffic by 2055 by 70%.x

Elektras experts help you select, use, and maintain all stakeholders in the ecosystem to achieve your desired goals. They help you with advice on knocking out photovoltaics, electric chargers, energy storage devices, choosing an electric car, and together they professionally assemble and advise you on how to best manage the ecosystem with advanced user programs.

Elektras experts help you choose:

Appropriate photovoltaics for your facility.

Quality charging station for your e-vehicle.

The best option for storing the electricity produced by the sun.

Electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids that suit your driving style.


The driving force of everything on earth

With your own photovoltaic system, you produce your own solar electricity, which is also more affordable for you than with an energy supplier. In addition, you are becoming independent and self-sufficient. The photovoltaic system also provides you with long-term price reliability. Focus on the activities you love and leave the electricity to the sun.

With your own solar power plant, you become energy self-sufficient and independent of market price fluctuations. Let nothing surprise you.

The cost of paying for the consumed electricity will be significantly lower, and the lifespan of a solar power plant can reach 30 years.

The investment pays off in less than ten years.

The amount of the subsidy or non-refundable financial incentives of the Eco Fund amount to EUR 180.00 for 1 kVA of installed rated electrical power of the self-sufficient electricity supply device, namely for a maximum of 80% of the sum of connected power of consumption points. individual and community self-sufficiency of household customers or small business customers with electricity that generate electricity using solar energy.

Več o razpisu.
Informacije o kreditih za fizične osebe.

Višina subvencije oz. nepovratne finančne spodbude Eko sklada znaša 180,00 EUR za 1 kVA inštalirane nazivne
električne moči naprave za samooskrbo z električno energijo, in sicer za največ 80 % vsote priključnih moči
odjemnih mest. Predmet javnega poziva so subvencije za nove naložbe nakupa in vgradnje naprav za individualno
in skupnostno samooskrbo gospodinjskih odjemalcev ali malih poslovnih odjemalcev z električno energijo,
ki električno energijo proizvajajo z izrabo sončne energije.

Več o razpisu.
Informacije o kreditih za fizične osebe.


Changes are constant

The importance of protecting the environment is becoming a constant of human nature. That is why we are committed to emobility, where you need a compatible quality device for your moving hobbies. Charging devices for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids have different features depending on your needs and fleet. However, we always ensure smooth and efficient operation of the devices.

With a home electric charger, your e-vehicle is charged faster and safer than through a regular household outlet. In addition to convenient and easy use, charging stations can also enable smart management of electricity consumption and integration into a smart home.

With a charging station for business users, your or a customer’s e-vehicle is charged faster and safer than through a standard household outlet. Chargers can, in addition to convenient and easy use, enable smart power management and integration into a smart office building.

For business customers, we can arrange lending for charging stations, and for individuals, the purchase is possible with credit cards.



Sometimes rest is also needed

Temporarily store clean solar electricity produced by the photovoltaic system and use it later to charge an electric vehicle or other electricity consumers. This way you can be almost independent of the electricity supplier.


Why not enjoy life?

Ferdinand Porsche founded his world-famous company only in 1948, but he designed and built his first car in 1898 as a 22-year-old boy. It was actually a carriage with two rows of seats, which did not use a fossil fuel engine for propulsion, but a comparatively tiny electric motor. It has taken a long time for you to choose an electric vehicle that will meet your needs. Development is moving forward in a flash and together we can reach a clean planet. Also using electric vehicles.

Vse instalacijske elemente vam profesionalno zmontiramo (instalacije, krmilniki, kabli za polnjenje avtomobila…) in povežemo s pametnim Elektrinim nadzornim sistemov, ki vam daje zanesljivost in uravnoteženo uporabe energije.

Tukaj smo za vas, da skupaj naredimo korak v boljšo prihodnost za vse nas.